Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed. ALICE is your relative, your neighbor, that friendly face that you see multiple times per week when you pick up that morning cup of coffee. These are the individuals and households that earn above the Federal Poverty Level, but earn less than what it costs to live comfortably. ALICE households live paycheck to paycheck. They are one financial catastrophe from having to make difficult financial decisions such as missing utility bill payments, missing a rent or mortgage payment, etc. All while working to keep our communities running smoothly.
ALICE includes our healthcare workers, our teachers, our grocery store and gas station clerks, manufacturing workforce, even our non-profit employees and executives. These households are forced to regularly make tough decisions on how to allocate their finances. These decisions can not only have long term consequences for our ALICE households but for our communities as well.
United For ALICE in Minnesota
Launched here on September 10, 2024, United for ALICE provides a deeper look at the financial struggles for many individuals and households in Minnesota. The data collected can inspire action and create solutions that promote increased financial stability. These practices and polices improve access to affordable childcare, affordable housing, high quality education, and increased access to healthcare, healthy food, transportation, and more.
United For ALICE Dashboard
Click here to be taken to the United for ALICE - Minnesota dashboard and report.