Help To Create Lasting Change in Steele County
Endowment builds the capacity to ensure that both children & adults in our communities can lead healthy, safe, and successful lives. Communities where the most essential basic needs are within reach for everyone.
A United Way Endowment Fund was created to ensure that our work & mission will continue for future generations in Steele County. Funds will be used to stabilize United Way funded programs from downturns in the economy, for emergency funding, or as a flexible source of funds for partnerships & special initiatives.
Gifts may be directed to our Endowment Fund throughout the calendar year. There are multiple ways to designate your donation to the fund: gifts of cash, stock, or even planned gifts such as bequests, trusts, life insurance, or charitable gift annuities.
245 SE 18th St, Suite 1
Owatonna, MN 55060 (507) 455-1180
Website by: OneEach Technologies
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