Reasons to be Thankful
Steele County is a great place to live. People are caring and generous. Opportunity is present for individuals and families. At this time of year we are called to reflect on what we have to be grateful for. And, we should remember that even though many of us are comfortable and have plenty there are those in our community who are struggling, experiencing pain, and doing without while most of us are celebrating.
I am thankful for a comfortable home.
- Last year Transitional Housing of Steele County helped 225 homeless individuals (75 families) get into permanent housing and gave them support services including financial literacy training such as budgeting and bill management. However, they had to turn away 157 households on their waitlist. On the average there are 100 children who are homeless. Some are teenagers who are literally on their own and vulnerable. In Steele County, on any given night, there are 81 homeless families.
I am thankful for plenty to eat.
- We have hunger in Steele County and several organizations are working to feed local people. In 2016 Steele County Food Shelf provided monthly 10-day food packages to 3330 people. Of those 1,482 were children and 139 were senior citizens. SEMCAC delivered daily meals to 314 senior citizens. The numbers of our neighbors who needs these services are rising.
I am thankful for safety.
- People experience violence in Steele County. This is one of the problems in our community that we don’t frequently talk about. Crisis Resource Center worked with 314 children who experienced abuse in 2016. They helped 353 victims of domestic violence and 328 clients who were sexually assaulted. Many of these neighbors of ours were victimized as children, or grew up in violent households. Some suffer from mental illness or substance misuse disorder. Bullying behavior in our children continues to increase.
I am thankful for those who mentored me, so that I could achieve my potential.
- Kids who are mentored have increased self-confidence and improved academic performance. They experience better relationships. They are less likely to be involved in risky behaviors but become better with social interactions. Last year Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southern Minnesota matched 520 Steele County children with long term mentors. However, they were unable to match over 150 local kids who need adult guidance.
I am thankful for early reading and many books in my life.
- Research in literacy has indicated that access to books in the home and reading to children promotes positive attitudes toward reading and learning. These lead a better understanding of letters and their sounds and a better vocabulary. Last year United Way provided over 12,000 books to over 1000 children under 5 in Steele County through the Dolly Parton Imagination Library program.
I am thankful for the hardworking nonprofit professionals who care for those in need.
- Last year United Way of Steele County funded agencies helped over 13,474 Steele County residents. UWSC Opportunity Programs helped another 1,481 people. I am so thankful that these programs are here to help those in need. These programs wouldn’t be possible without the generous donations given to United Way of Steele County each year during the annual Campaign.
I am thankful for you, our good neighbors and faithful, caring donors.
At United Way of Steele County, we represent you, we help you look out for your neighbors. We look for the ways we can provide opportunities for individuals and families to become truly self-sufficient. We help find pathways for young people to start their career with living wages. United Way of Steele County fights for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in Steele County. To see our Impact video, text the word STEELE to 50503. To give to United Way of Steele County, text UWSC to 40403.
Kim Schaufenbuel is the Executive Director of United Way of Steele County. She can be reached at 507-455-1180 or via email at