Phew, what a whirlwind it has been this campaign!!  Thank you for everyone that joined us on this journey, especially the Steele County Free Fair who served as our Community Campaign leader!!  Our goal for 2021 campaign was $800,000.  These are the funds that many of you, our board, and staff, allocated to various agencies for budget year 2022.  We committed to funding over 35 Health, Education, and Financial Stability Programs and Services in Steele County between our Community Investments and our Strategic Impact Committees.  Just a reminder, Community Investments works with our Partner Agencies through an annual grant submission process.  Strategic Impact works with all nonprofits that serve Steele County to identify emerging needs and through collaborations and partnerships develop programming to address those needs. 

I am pleased to announce that our community has collectively raised 95.7% of this goal, or $765,679 ($34,321 short).  Despite a second year of COVID and economic uncertainty, each of you, stepped up and supported the human service needs in our community.  Our commitment to you is to do everything in our power to ensure that we can meet all the commitments we have made so that there is no interruption of services due to this shortfall.  We live in an extraordinary community full of caring individuals.  Thank you for your generosity!! 

Interested in serving on a committee that identifies needs in our community or allocates funds to nonprofits across Steele County?  Give me a call and let’s discuss all the opportunities we have, to get involved.  Are you interested in volunteering, but don’t know what you want to do yet?  Visit us online and sign up for Volunteers United.  You will then have access to a variety of volunteer opportunities.  Addressing the needs of our community takes collective action.  Together we can Recover, Reimagine, and Rebuild.  This is how we LIVE UNITED.  

Annette Duncan is President of United Way of Steele County.  She can be reached at 507-455-1180