This is the season of giving and at United Way, that takes a little bit of a different form this time of year.  As many of you know we work with nonprofits across the county to create a safety net of services to help individuals in need, get back on their feet.  During this season, one of the programs that we administer at United Way of Steele County is the Adopt-A-Family program.  Through this program we connect sponsors with ginormous hearts with families who can use a hand up during the holidays.  We have a lot of generous people who stepped up to support the need in our communities this year, in fact, we had a record-breaking year with 61 sponsors, serving over 70 families.

We couldn’t offer this program if it wasn’t for these Sponsors.  We couldn’t administer the program if it wasn’t for our Volunteers and Community Partners like Toys for Tots and Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. A HUGE thank you to our Adopt-A-Family Coordinator Kim Ramsey, who helps keep us on track during drop off and distribution.  This truly is the season of giving hearts at United Way.  Many of you have given to campaign to support over 30 human service programs in Steele County in 2023 AND have adopted a family on top of it.  We are so fortunate to be in a community that cares as much as you do and we appreciate the opportunity you afford us, to serve. 

While the needs in our community are still great, we are confident that together with your help we will continue to move the needle on poverty in Steele County.  Creating an environment that provides every member the opportunity for a quality education, access to healthcare, and the resources to achieve financial stability.  We know that you have lots of options on where to give of your time, talents, and treasures, so we thank you for choosing United Way as your partner in this much needed work.             

If you have not had a chance to give yet this year, or are inspired to give a little more, please visit us at, text GIVEUNITED to 53-555, or Venmo @uwsteelecounty to help strengthen our community and give our neighbors a hand up towards achieving a good quality of life.  Filling the Gaps, Addressing the Needs, We’re Your United Way.   LIVE UNITED.  Thank you for your support!!

Annette Duncan is President of United Way of Steele County.  She can be reached at 507-455-1180 or via email by Our website is