I was in a meeting this past week and was told, “don’t forget there are only nine Saturdays left until Christmas”.  Yes, the holidays are just around the corner and cheer is in the air.  But me being me started thinking about those around us that this adds a whole new level of stress.  Not because they can’t figure out what to buy their loved ones but because maybe they can’t afford gifts at all. 

Did you know that United Way of Steele County partners with Toys for Tots each year and facilitates the Adopt-A-Family Program?  For over 10 years we have partnered donors with families that are selected by Toys for Tots, to create amazing experiences for both during the holidays.  If you know someone that could benefit, applications are available on our website.  If you are interested in adopting a family for the holiday, give us a call or send us an email.       

This is the season of giving and we appreciate the generosity of the Steele County community each and every year.  The needs of our community are not limited to the holidays.  We are here supporting individuals and families every day of the year, services we can only provide because of YOU. 

Please consider supporting our 2021 United Way Campaign and joining us in our fight for the Health, Education, and Financial Stability of every person in Steele County.  Text UWSC2021 to 269-89 and together we will Recover, Reimagine, and Rebuild our community.  Give, Advocate, Volunteer…this is how we LIVE UNITED.  

Annette Duncan is President of United Way of Steele County.  She can be reached at 507-455-1180