Its tax season and for some this can be a very stressful time of year. For others, this means an opportunity to bring in some additional money to pay for things that have had to wait because there simply isn’t enough funds to go around throughout the year. This is where United Way can help. If your household income is $73,000 or less, we can assist you with filing your taxes for free. Why is United Way doing taxes? Because Financial Stability if one of our primary focus areas and by providing this service we are helping people to spread already limited income just a little bit further.
We are so fortunate in this community that we had an AARP program for years providing this service. Unfortunately, like many things, COVID made it difficult to continue that programming. I would be remise if I didn’t take a moment to thank the team that provided this service for so many years, thank you!! We just never know what we have until its gone. At United Way, this is our third year offering the program now and so a huge thank you to our Board of Directors and our Strategic Impact Committee for your support in allowing us to add this programming to our already expansive wheel of community programming.
How do we continue to add new programming? Well, it’s because we have an amazing team of Volunteers, and this year, we have even more that have joined us, which has doubled our capacity to serve!! Thank you to our Volunteer Tax team for stepping forward; your work ensures that we can keep this programming going in Steele County!!
If you or someone you know has an annual household income of $73,000 or less, give us a call or register on our website. We are here to help. If you are interested in joining our amazing Volunteer Tax team, give us a call, we’d love to bring this program to even more people in our community. Engaging Communities, Connecting People. LIVE UNITED.
Annette Duncan is President of United Way of Steele County. She can be reached at 507-455-1180 or via email by president@unitedwaysteelecounty.org. Our website is www.unitedwaysteelecounty.org