Tis the season for giving and Steele County has again stepped up to the challenge. Families across the county will have a little less stress this season as over 55 donors and teams stepped up to help the holiday shine a little bit brighter. Through our partnership with Toys for Tots, United Way of Steele County hosted Adopt-A-Family for the 10th year, serving 62 families. Thank you to Good Shepherd Church for allowing us to utilize your space for distribution!! In addition, we received an outpouring of support from St. Paul’s Lutheran Church of Meriden’s Women of Mission as well as individual donations from Mr. Serna and Ms. Gasner to provide additional support to individuals in our community with limited means and resources. An unexpected donation was received in the form of specialty coffees from Casey’s General Store, which we were able to include at distribution. Thank you for your love and generosity!! What a blessing to be in a position that can help connect donors with those in need.
I would like to call out a few of our volunteers that went above and beyond to help ensure that all the moving parts required to pull off a major endeavor such as Adopt-A-Family went off without a hitch!! Thank you to Sue Adams, Lee Vela, and Kim Ramsey!! We could not have accomplished all that we did without your dedication and support.
When asked what we do at United Way, simply put, we connect those with to those without and develop programs and services that can help individuals and families transition out of poverty. I am always impressed by the calls that we receive from individuals calling our office to ask how they can help. If there was any question about the level of goodness in humanity, I invite you to spend a day in our world because your faith in humanity will be restored!! Together we are making a difference. This is how we LIVE UNITED.
Annette Duncan is President of United Way of Steele County. She can be reached at 507-455-1180