Have you ever turned on the news and thought, I wish I could do something, but I just don’t know where to start? There is so much need in our community, our country, and the world and at times it can be overwhelming. Are we doing enough, is there something different that we can be doing? At United Way of Steele County, these are the questions we think about, discuss, and plan for every single day. We are so thankful to be part of a network of United Ways across the world that are doing this as well so that we can focus our attention on our community’s needs.
I’ve shared over the past several months some of the initiatives and new partnerships we have established as we work to address the Health, Education, and Financial Stability needs in our community. There is a lot of work to be done and because of the generous support of people like you, giving of your time, talents, and treasures, we can develop programming to address these emerging needs, while supporting safety net programming in Steele County.
Our community goal this year is $800,000; however, our United Way budget is closer to $900,000 and we are responsible for an additional $350,000 as Fiscal Agents of Federal and a State Substance Abuse Prevention Programs. I mention this because it’s important for the community to know that we only ask for what we need to support emerging needs, crisis prevention, and basic needs in our community. We write grants and share services to meet the financial needs of the organization. You may have noticed in your report card that we only spend 6% of funding we receive on operations. That is 14% lower than the industry standard!! This is something we are very proud of.
You can be confident that when you donate to United Way of Steele County, your gifts stay in Steele County. So, we ask you today to join us by texting UWSC2021 to 269-89 and together we will Recover, Reimagine, and Rebuild our community. Give, Advocate, Volunteer…this is how we LIVE UNITED.
Annette Duncan is President of United Way of Steele County. She can be reached at 507-455-1180