United Way is spurring volunteers into action to create meaningful impact throughout the community on June 21st for Day of Action. This annual event mobilizes the caring power of volunteers to create positive change in cities around the world.

Traditionally held on or about June 21st, Day of Action invites volunteers of all ages to rally together around important issues. Last year, tens of thousands of volunteers joined more than 570 United Ways from 17 countries to fight for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in each of those communities. For 2020, United Way has developed innovative and socially distant volunteer opportunities to keep partners, staff, and volunteers healthy and safe while they continue to meet critical community needs.

Our need for advocacy is constant and continues to evolve as we navigate the health, education, and economic implications of the confluence of crises during this unusual time. This year’s effort for UWSC, our ongoing #MaskUp campaign, will encourage our friends, neighbors, and community partners to wear a mask/face-covering in public places to help slow the spread of COVID-19.

You can easily join us from the comfort and safety of your home.  Here's how:

  • Share/like/retweet our posts.  We'll be active across UWSC social media platforms. Help get the word out and spread awareness on the importance of masking up in public.
  • #MaskUp and share your photos with us in the comments on any of our Day of Action posts that you'll see throughout the week of June 21 - June 27.
  • Post your masked up selfies on your own social media channels as well. Don't forget the hashtag! #MaskUp #UWDayofAction Help us encourage others to wear masks/face coverings when in public. 

Let's work together to slow the spread of COVID-19 and save lives.