Every year, United Way is committed to addressing the Health, Education, and Financial Stability needs of Steele County through multiple strategies. One of these strategies is to partner with nonprofits that are achieving positive outcomes within at least one of these focus areas. Our community campaign goal was $800,000 in 2021. Achieving this goal would have allowed us to provide $550,000 in direct grants, and $250,000 to support the additional 24 programs and services that United Way facilitates such as Tax Preparation, Volunteers United, Adopt-A-Family, Ride United, and Bright by Text just to name a few. Despite not achieving this goal in 2021, we have kept our financial commitment to each of our partner agencies and, continued to operate the United Way programs that this community has come to count on.

We have now made a commitment for 2023, which will be supported by the 2022 United Way Campaign, which has awarded $550,000 to 18 agencies for 30 different programs. I mentioned earlier in the year that we had 3 new agencies and 6 new programs. This made allocation of funds extremely difficult; however, our Community Investment Advisory Board, made up of community members like you, did a phenomenal job reviewing outcomes and allocating funds accordingly. While being a partner agency does not guarantee that you will be awarded a grant, I am pleased to announce that every agency that applied did receive a grant.

We know that we cannot do the work we do without you. Thank you for the generosity of your time, talents, and treasurers, year after year. Now more then ever, our neighbors needs our help to rebuild and achieve a good quality of life. Together we are removing obstacles, developing solutions, and implanting new ideas. Our work is not done. We will again set a goal to raise $800,000 to support this work. Will you join us? Text GIVEUNITED to 53-555 to help strengthen our community and give our neighbors a hand up towards achieving a good quality of life. Filling the Gaps, Addressing the Needs, We’re Your United Way. LIVE UNITED.