I am sitting wondering where the year went and how it is possible that we are already through January! I get asked, when is the down time for United Way, is it after campaign? I answer with a resounding, there is no down time at United Way. While there are needs in our community, there is work to be done so we are busy engaging communities and connecting people, 365 days a year. But before I get into what we are up to at the current moment, I must pause, take a deep breath, and say THANK YOU!!!! We could not do our work if it wasn’t for you. In addition to being there every time we ask you to give of your time and talents, you went above and beyond financially to get us as close to our campaign goal as possible. I am excited to share that while we didn’t make campaign, we did raise over $768,000 to support the Health, Education, and Financial Stability of every person in Steele County. Your generosity and support continue to astound me and I feel so blessed to be able to serve you and this community in this capacity.
So now what are we up to? Amazing, wonderful things, with incredibly caring people. If you recall, we conducted a GAP Analysis last summer and facilitated a Community Summit in the fall. From this Community Summit came three Action Teams; Affordable Housing, Racial Division, and Teen Mental Health and Racial Perception (listed in alphabetical order, as all are extremely important). These action teams have been meeting, conducting additional summits, and wrapping their heads around what we can accomplish if we work together. Each team will report out at the next Community Summit, February 3, 2023 from 9am-10:30am at Trinity Lutheran Church. Everyone is welcome, so if you didn’t get the personal invite, know if you are reading this now you are invited and while you’re at it, bring a friend!
In addition to the work that is being down through our Community Summit Action Teams, we continue to work with our Childcare Providers to identify resources that can better support the phenomenal work they do for us each and every day to ensure that our children are cared for, so we can go to work, and our community can thrive. Childcare providers, be on the lookout for your invitation to the next event on March 2nd from 6:30pm-8pm at Trinity Lutheran Church where we will be sharing the progress we have made on the suggestions you gave us at our last event.
SAVE THE DATE, we will be having our Celebration Luncheon to recognize the collaborative efforts that brought us as close to our goal as they did in 2022. This event will be held March 21, 2023, from 11:30am-1pm at the Owatonna Country Club. Tickets will be $25 each.
We encourage you to join us in our work in whatever capacity is meaningful to you. We have lots of opportunities. Just remember, this work takes all of us coming together, so please never forget that YOU make a difference. For more information on the work we are doing and how you can get involved, visit us at www.unitedwaysteelecounty.org. Engaging Communities, Connecting People. LIVE UNITED.
Annette Duncan is President of United Way of Steele County. She can be reached at 507-455-1180 or via email by president@unitedwaysteelecounty.org. Our website is www.unitedwaysteelecounty.org