Last week I had the opportunity to attend the Minnesota Positive Community Norms Conference with PCN grantees from across the state.  United Way is proud to host the Blooming Positive Actions Coalition, the recipient of a PCN state grant, as well as the Steele County Coalition for Healthy Youth, who was previously established through a Drug Free Community federal grant.  This conference reviewed the results of the Positive Community Norms Student, Teacher/Staff, Parents, and Community surveys that were completed in Blooming Prairie this past March. 

The philosophy of Positive Community Norms is to embrace the positive that is around us.  Sometimes we might need to dig for it, but it is always there.  By focusing on the positive we create an environment that promotes community and collaboration.  We talked a lot about perceptions, more so misperceptions.  I know how overwhelming life can be; I chose to work in a world where I spend every minute trying to improve the human condition.  Misperceptions, though, can blind us from all the good that is around us.  If we focus on all that is wrong, we never get a chance to build on what is right.  Balance. 

While this conference was focusing on the positive results of the youth substance use prevention work we are doing in our communities, the concepts got me thinking about the misperceptions, that have been brought to my attention time and time again around people in need.  People in need of affordable housing, people in need of food, people in need of basic security.  The idea or misconception that some people have about “those people”, without regard to the fact that we are all human beings.    

We have amazing people around us every day, doing their part to make our society function.  Displace people by not providing access to their basic needs and we all lose.  Create a culture of inclusiveness and build people up, this is how we achieve a community where people feel safe, valued, and a part of something bigger than themselves.  This is how we strengthen our community, by doing everything we can to support and encourage those around us.  We are a community rich in resources with enough for everyone, so instead of focusing on what we don’t have, let’s change our perception and focus on what we do have, and how we can use what we have, to positively impact the lives of every person in Steele County.

Together we can take the assets we already have and better utilize them or repurpose them for the good of the entire community.  Let’s pool our resources and support the work that is bringing forward transformational change.  Embrace the positive that we have and allow it to grow into what we need.  Join our fight for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in Steele County.  We can make a difference if we work together.  Engaging Communities, Connecting People.  We’re YOUR United Way!        


Annette Duncan is President of United Way of Steele County.  She can be reached at 507-455-1180 or via email by Our website is