I want to start by saying THANK YOU to everyone that has come out to our summer events and supported us. This year has been quite a year for United Way of Steele County. Engaging our local communities in ways that we hadn’t before. Better connecting with all of you as we continue to move the needle forward and fight to improve the lives of everyone in Steele County.

You likely received our 2022 Annual Report Card in the mail within the last week or so. We appreciate having the opportunity to share our yearly reporting with everyone. To me, one of the biggest takeaways from last year was that our initiatives, along with the work of our amazing community partners, served a total of 24,334 individuals. This is an increase of over 34% from 2021! We cannot express it enough – the need is there. Not only within the data. The requests for support from United Way are increasing as well. Your support will help us to effectively serve our communities.

Our 2023 campaign is underway. Helping to lead the charge this year is the Owatonna Area Chamber of Commerce and Tourism. We couldn’t have a more fitting partner as we watch Owatonna and Steele County evolve around our very eyes with an unprecedented level of momentum. The United Way and the Chamber of Commerce have similar missions – to improve the quality of life in Steele County. The OACCT has made it their personal goal to see at least 50% of the chamber membership participate in this year’s campaign. This would be an increase from approximately 20% in previous years – this increase would have a monumental impact on those in Steele County who need us most.

Tied into that, this year we launched a new initiative designed to engage with and empower local businesses while providing new and innovative ways for these businesses to support Steele County. The 365 Small Business Circle. $1 a day for United Way. For a minimum of at least $365 per year, your support creates tangible results and helps us fight the communities’ toughest challenges. To learn more about 365 Small Business Circle and apply you can visit unitedwaysteelecounty.org/365-small-business-circle

As an individual, you may be employed at one of our 40+ workplace campaign participants. If so, you may be contacted soon by your campaign leadership team regarding contributing. You can do this by cash/check, credit/debit card, ask to be billed (one time or quarterly), or the easiest option which is payroll deduction. Your employer will pull the allocated funds from your check directly which makes it quick and easy! We’ve also added Venmo as an option. You can donate to us @uwsteelecounty.

If you’re not a part of the workplace campaign, donations can always be dropped off to the team at the United Way of Steele County office or mailed to us. Raise your voice. Share our mission. Inspire others to join the cause. Together, we can create lasting impact and build a stronger and more equitable Steele County. Help us reach this year’s goal of $815,000.


Neil Lyons is the Operations Coordinator for United Way of Steele County. He can be reached at 507-455-1180 or via email at neil.lyons@unitedwaysteelecounty.org. For more information visit our website www.unitedwaysteelecounty.org