April is National Volunteer Recognition Month and what better time to say THANK YOU for all that you do every single day to ensure that the people of Steele County have access to the resources they need to live their best quality of life!! Volunteers are the lifeblood of our communities and without them, you’d be surprised at how significantly our day to day lives would be impacted. At United Way of Steele County, we have several arms in our volunteer network, including our Board of Directors, Volunteers United, Women United, Community Investment Advisory Board Members, Community Committee Members, and all our Workplace Campaign Coordinators. Every day, each of you are creating a ripple effect that impacts the strength of our community and our ability to care for our families, friends, and neighbors. Every day YOU are making a difference and for that I say THANK YOU!

I am so blessed to have the opportunity to live in a community that promotes and supports volunteerism, not only in our personal lives, but in the workplace as well. Our business partners allocate hundreds of hours each year, encouraging their teams to get out into the community and experience the invigorating feeling that comes from giving of oneself. In an article by Mayo Clinic on September 16, 2021, called “Helping people, changing lives: 3 health benefits of volunteering”, they note that research has shown that volunteering improvise physical and mental health, provides a sense of purpose, and teaches valuable skills, and nurtures new and existing relationships. So not only does volunteering help thousands of individuals and families in our community each year; its also helps you to be your best self! Thank you, business partners, for giving your employees this opportunity!! Currently don’t have an employee volunteer program, give me a call and I’d be happy to help you get one set up.

To all volunteers, those we know, and those who we’ve yet to meet, thank you!! We could not do the work we do without you. Interested in joining our Volunteers United team? Visit us online or give our office a call and we’ll get you registered today. Filling the Gaps, Addressing the Needs, We’re Your United Way. LIVE UNITED.