We’re so excited to announce that on November 2 at 5:00pm we will be officially cutting the ribbon on Steele County’s first ever Born Learning Trail. A lot of you might be wondering, “What is Born Learning?”

Born Learning is a set of tools that equip parents, caregivers, and communities to create early learning opportunities for young children. Designed to support parents in their critical role as a child's first teacher, Born Learning is a long-standing resource used across the United Way network.

The Born Learning Trails are a series of ten interactive signs that offer fun, active learning activities for young children and their families. These trails help to create engagement opportunities for families and caregivers while out for a walk in the community.

To date, more than 750 trails have been installed across the country. Even as close as Scott County and Olmsted County in Minnesota. United Way of Steele County envisions this as just the first Born Learning Trail in our community. Not the only. Thank you to Owatonna Public Schools for partnering with us on the first trail which is being installed at Lincoln Elementary School.

Also, a big THANK YOU to United Way of Steele County, Women United for supporting the launch and maintenance of the Born Learning Trails. Women United’s focus is early childhood education, and they are dedicated to advancing the health and welfare of all children by giving, advocating, and volunteering.

We hope to see you at Lincoln Elementary School at 5:00pm on Thursday, November 2nd. All are welcome to celebrate with us! Be sure to follow us on social media @uwsteelecounty for updates regarding the Born Learning Trails.


Neil Lyons is the Operations Coordinator for United Way of Steele County. He can be reached at 507-455-1180 or via email at neil.lyons@unitedwaysteelecounty.org. For more information visit our website www.unitedwaysteelecounty.org