
After the Fair The Steele County Free Fair, which happened last week, is one of the assets that makes our community great.  We prepare for this event for weeks if not months: the anticipation and buzz builds slowly until it arrives.  Then everyone attends and has a great…
Friday, August 24, 2018
Local Autonomy; Local Culture for United Ways Last month the Star Tribune published an article about the retirement of Greater Twin Cities United Way (GTCUW) Executive Director, Sarah Caruso, after 9 years of service.  The article also discussed changes in the giving…
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
The Annual Grant Making Process It is widely known that United Way of Steele County provides funds to local human service agencies that further our vision of a sustainable and vibrant community where residents enjoy an enriching quality of life, economic opportunities, and…
Friday, May 18, 2018
A Case for Pitching In I am privileged to spend a lot of time with people who care deeply about others and our community.  Hands down it is the best part of my job. UWSC staff and these community members talk a lot about the issues that adversely affect our community, such…
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
“Downtime” at United Way Sometimes people ask me if, now that campaign is over and we hit our goal, if we relax a little or have a little “downtime.”  I do try not to laugh or smirk but for some reason it takes me by surprise every single time.  To be honest, there really…
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Broader Participation Needed When you first enter nonprofit work from outside the sector you can undergo a little bit of culture shock.  It may appear to work like a business and we do our best to use business principles in our operations but there are a number of…
Tuesday, January 9, 2018
Myth Busting United Way I am deeply thankful to Jeffrey Jackson, editor, and Tom Murray, publisher, for earlier this year giving me the opportunity to write a monthly column which allows me to open a window into the work of United Way of Steele County.  Our work can be…
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Reasons to be Thankful Steele County is a great place to live.  People are caring and generous.  Opportunity is present for individuals and families.  At this time of year we are called to reflect on what we have to be grateful for.  And, we should remember that even though…
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
What is the Federal Poverty Level? What is the Federal Poverty level and what does it mean, really? Just like every industry, there is a fair amount of coded language or lingo in the nonprofit world (and there are some very funny nonprofit bloggers out there who will…
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Why United Way I get this a lot: “United Way, aren’t you just a clearing house for funding for local nonprofits?” or “you just fundraise and give money out to local charities, right?” The short answer is no – we have evolved from our humble but effective-at-that-time…
Tuesday, September 12, 2017