Get to Know: Madi Bruessel

United Way of Steele County would like to welcome Madi Bruessel (intern) to the team. Her role is Program Coordinator for the Steele County Coalition for Healthy Youth. We sat down with her to learn more about her as she starts her summer with United Way:

What was your path to United Way of Steele County?

I am from Owatonna and graduated high school here, so I have heard of United Way. Currently, I'm pursuing a Bachelor of Science at Minnesota State University, Mankato, majoring in Applied Health Science with an expected graduation in December 2024. Seeking a summer internship, I reached out to United Way, eager to contribute to their mission.

What excites you the most about your internship at United Way; and taking on the role as Program Coordinator for the SCCHY?

I'm particularly thrilled about the hands-on learning opportunity this position offers. Being able to directly impact the Steele County community while participating in its events is truly inspiring.

Help us get to know you a little better. Tell us five fun facts about yourself.

  • I am on the cross country and track team for Minnesota State University, Mankato.
  • I have a golden retriever named Ivy and a cat named Theo.
  • My favorite food is burgers.
  • I like playing pickleball and going for walks with my family.
  • I love coffee or really anything with caffeine.